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John & Mabel's "Skywalk" of Our Superstrong Woven Poly

"Dear Bob, This is my third order for your super plastic. I have used your plastic for my greenhouse...Now I need a cover for a "sky-walk"-a covered walkway between two buildings. It is going to be a real doozie!"

Two months later (Jan.88) Mabel wrote back, "Hi, Bob, Here are the pics I promised you of our "skywalk". If you have ever been to Spokane you will know why we call it that.
It is 30 inches wide and 24 feet long, giving us a covered walkway between my trailer and a shed. Then we go through John's machine shop, his trailer, down some steps and thru a breezeway to the woodworking shop-all under cover....The plastic makes it nice and light in the tunnel, and the snow shakes right off. I really love the way this plastic diffuses the light-it cuts any glare and makes such a nice bright light....Oh yes, there is carpet on the floor of the tunnel, .... (which) keeps the plywood floor covered so it isn't slippery. The lower two feet is plywood, with angle iron bracing. (We call him Angle-Iron John.) Also angle iron support under the plywood floor. Sure is nice not to get your feet wet every time you want to go to the shop. Not to mention the slippery snow and ice. Was glad to get another catalog.-I give them away to anyone who is interested in a greenhouse. Till I need some more super plastic-keep up the good work."
Mabel from Washington
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